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The Game Changer Podcast

Inspiring you to make a difference.

Nov 30, 2015

Gwen Gardner – Founder of Simply Chickie Clothing.

Gwen is no stranger to adversity. Over 10 years ago (within the same week!) at 40 years old – she was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer, broke up with her boyfriend, and found out she was pregnant.

Why did you choose to start this clothing line:


Nov 26, 2015

The reason for this mid-week podcast:

I have received a lot of feedback asking how the technical issues with the podcast are coming along.  So, in this podcast, I will touch on the challenges and hurdles of this week’s interview.  The reason for this is to give you a “behind the scenes” into my journey – and to...

Nov 23, 2015

Darren Pierre, Ph.D., is a college administrator at the University of Chicago, and part-time faculty member at Loyola University Chicago. His research largely centers on understanding the transformative power that derives from people having the courage to live out their truth. He has spoken across the United States on...

Nov 20, 2015

The reason for this mid-week podcast:

I have received a lot of feedback asking how the technical issues with the podcast are coming along.  So, in this podcast, I will touch on the challenges and hurdles of this week’s interview.  The reason for this is to give you a “behind the scenes” into my journey – and to...

Nov 16, 2015

Carl Christman – teacher, best-selling author, and speaker.
He plays with language, psychology and non-verbal communication to educate and entertain audiences. His best-selling book How to Read Minds and Influence People explores communication from a radically different perspective. It unlocks the science of reading...