Jan 1, 2020
Happy New Year!
Before you commit to your 2020 goals, make sure that you aren't limiting yourself by what you think is impossible.
In this episode, I discuss the impact of Roger Bannister who on May 6th, 1954 was the first person in history to break the 4-minute mile barrier. While this was certainly history-making, what followed changed the way we look goal setting and what is possible for us all. You see, 46 days later Roger's record was broken by John Landy. And in the decades that have followed, beating the goal of running a 4-minute mile has been done more than a thousand times.
Runners didn't miraculously start training better, nor did they find faster shoes... they simply BELIEVED they could do it because it had been done, so they now knew it was possible.
What goal have you not gone after, because it's your version of the "impossible 4-minute mile"? Take a second look at what you think is just out of reach and reconsider what is possible. By summoning up our own internal Roger Bannister, we have the ability to change our entire reality.
Start visualizing, by thinking AND feeling what it will be like to accomplish your greatest goal. Roger knew that if he did this every day, breaking the 4-minute mile would undoubtedly happen. We all have this ability. Let's make 2020 the year of unlimited possibility!
Cheers to making the 20's your best year and decade ever!
Michelle Dutro
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